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상품상세 정보

★낙원악기상가♬엔젤음향★ DRUM RACK DR503

소비자가 0원


모바일판매가 510,000원 (0원 할인)

(모바일기기를 통한 주문시에만 적용됩니다.)


  • 5,100 (5100.00%)
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    Solid,secure,and priced to ROCK!
    DR-503 ICON 3-Sided Drum Rack system provides infinite and independent adjustment to any position on its 34\\\"-long legs. Set-and-forget memory clamps allow quick and repeatable set ups without tools.
    The T-style feet are very stable. Includes front and 2 side sections.
    Equipped with 7/8\\\" tom and cymbal holders on each front leg. All rack bars are 36\\\" for compact storage and easy transport.
    Includes 4 PCX-100 clamps and 2 PCL-100 clamps.