상품 상세 정보
상품명 ★낙원악기상가♬엔젤음향★ 바슨 스탠드(15040)
제조사 K&M(독일제품)
판매가 170,000원
적립금 1,700원
상품코드 P0000EYW
상품 옵션

K&M 15040 Bassoon Stand

The Konig & Meter 15040 BASSOON STAND.
An extra sturdy stand for bassoon, bass clarinet and electric cello.
With large felt-lined instrument support. Check out the compact, folding design.
K&M stands are known for their quality this stand is made of nickel and
will hold a BASSOON STAND bass clarinet, Eb alto clarinet and electric cello.