상품 상세 정보
상품명 ★낙원악기상가♬엔젤음향★엔젤음향♬/ASHDOWN(애쉬다운)Sub-Octave Plus Pedal [애쉬다운공식대리점-정품당일배송]
제조사 Ashdown
판매가 160,000원
적립금 1,600원
상품코드 P0000EYH
상품 옵션

Ashdown SUB OCT PLUS Pedals and Footswitches

This earth-shattering pedal generates a note one octave below the note being played,
at the same volume and based on the waveform of the original signal.
By blending the sub-octave note with the original signal, bass players can move from
a subtle reinforcement of the sound to truckloads of bone-crushing tone. As a further Plus,
distortion can be added to the sub-octave note, with the amount and tonal characteristics of
the distortion both adjustable by the player.

The pedal is housed in a durable metal case and features an input level control with a trademark
Ashdown VU meter to allow optimum signal matching from any instrument – active or passive.
The pedal also features an output level control – essential for obtaining the perfect balance
between the effect and the true bypass mode.