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상품명 ★낙원악기상가♬엔젤음향★ POWER BRAKE 마샬 PB100
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상품코드 P00000GD
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Marshall PB100 Power Brake Inductive Speaker Attenuator

Lets you have big tone at any volume!

As far as your amp is concerned,Power Brake is the same as speakers -- an active load changing constantly with output level. Hooked up to this,you can pump authentic cranked stack sound through a single small cab at modest levels. Essential for getting an overdriven tone at reasonable volume on vintage amps without a gain knob,for hard-rock studio work,and great for controlling onstage sound in clubs. Fan cooled,100W power handling,eleven-step attenuator. 13 lbs.

Marshall PB100 Power Brake Inductive Speaker Attenuator Features: